Thursday, August 22, 2019

What are Hamlets feelings on pages 74 and 75 Essay Example for Free

What are Hamlets feelings on pages 74 and 75 Essay Page 74 is the first time Hamlet is introduced to the audience and this first speech of his is very important as it sets the tone of the play and allows the audience to adjust to the type of genre it is going to be, it also shows how desperate Hamlet is and how distressed he truly is. It tells the plot of the story to the audience and shows why Hamlet is so unhappy at his mother and uncle being married, and the time in which they did so. We immediately begin to see how alone and confused Hamlet on what to do Hamlet really is, so much so almost a third of the speech is basically him contemplating suicide, which is strictly against his religion. The main pillars in his life, the people he could relay on the most have betrayed him and he is unsure who he can trust and he is torn between taking vengeance mainly on his mother for dishonoring his fathers memory by marrying his uncle (obviously he does not yet know who killed his father or how he died) or to remain true to his mother, and turn the other cheek as his religion tell him to. He thinks that his mother and uncle have been too hasty in getting married, But two months dead, nay, not so much, not two and he has suspicions that they had something to do with his fathers death. He seems very bitter towards his mother in particular and refers to her like a parasite. Why, she would hang on him, as if increase of appetite had grown by what it fed on and his initial reaction, before he is visited by his fathers ghost, is to take revenge on his mother. Which shows how he is feeling as he expects his mother should be the main support to him in his time of mourning but instead she has abandoned him, this also shows how emotional week Hamlet is from his first sentence. He does talk about the sexual relationship between his mother and uncle, O, most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to good. This could be Hamlets way of surging energy and guts that will enable him too take vengeance on his fathers death and his mothers dishonor towards his fathers memory. This also gives the impression that Hamlet is quite week emotionally and is in need of help or guidance, something that he does not receive from any of his friends or family, many of who attempt to kill him and I think the fact he often tries to justify his weakness. For example he says the only reason he does not commit suicide is because it is a sin, similarly when he goes to kill his uncle he does not because he is praying at the time and this would lead to him being sent straight to heaven instead of to hell where he belongs. I think Hamlet is shown as being very lonely and not too sure who to trust shows in the final line of his speech, But break my heard, for I must hold my tongue, this shows that he wants to solve his problems by himself. Again symbolizing his isolation from the people around him and his complete lack of trust in anyone and the fact the speech is said to the audience also shows that he is completely alone in the world and does not know where to turn to. Hamlet obviously had great respect for his father and despite saying that he is not a great warrior Married with my uncle, but no more like my father than I to Hercules his father was and you begin to see that Hamlets main influence in his life, the one person he admired the most was his father and now he has gone, Hamlet feels very lost and insecure without him and seems to punish himself and continually put himself down throughout the speech creating a very distressed first scene, but ironically he remains one of the few Shakespearean characters which have a sense of humor and as the play progresses we begin to see how sly and sarcastic hamlet can be, especially when talking to Polonius.

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